Friday, March 8, 2013

Trying Something New

The first thing people ask me when I tell them I got baby chicks is "Why?" And my go to response has been "For the eggs".  Which is partially true, but the real answer is because I wanted to try something new, something different, something out of my comfort zone.  I had done some research online and determined a few good breeds of chickens that would be good layers and would be docile (well as docile as chickens can be). 

I found a lady on craigslist, which for those of you that know Grant, he is an avid craigslister!  And she was selling several different types of chickens.  I looked into them and decided to get a few of the Light Brahmas she had for sale. 

Picture of Light Brahma chicken

I read as much as I could online about raising baby chicks and what I would need to get started.  I went to the pet store and bought a guinea pig cage, and went to the Reading Feed and Seed store to buy starter chick food, a feeder, and a waterer.  Oh and I also went to the hardware store to buy a heat lamp. 

Our baby chick set-up

Apparently with each week, the price of chicks increases... by a dollar.  So on February 24th, Grant and I made the drive down to good old Kentucky to get our baby chicks!  As we were driving I asked Grant "Did I make a mistake?" And he casually said "No"  I told him I was nervous and of course I was.  Going to get chickens?!?!  What was I thinking?  With everything going on in our lives right now, why would I want to add another thing to take care of?  Another thing to worry about? 

I really had no idea what to expect.  But she grabbed us 5 baby chicks, 4 light brahmas and 1 golden laced wyandotte, we put them in a box (my Tory Burch box - pretty sure the only chicks ever to get picked up and put in a designer purse cardboard box) But hey, it was the only large box I had!  And we drove away. 

Day 1

Their Home in the Garage

So the journey has begun!  We have settled into a routine and I can't wait for the warm spring weather to get here so the chickies can roam around our big back yard!  Every day these little creatures test my patience, since I don't like messes and man are chicks messy!  But they make me smile each and every morning. 

And oddly enough, this really got me thinking - which came first, the chicken or the egg??

Most posts to come! Sending lots of chicken love....

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